There are many factors that come into consideration when insurers evaluate motorists and assign them to a risk class. Unfortunately, there are drivers who are considered to have elevated risks to insure for various reasons, some of which may be out of the control of the consumer. To the misfortune of these riskier motorists, carriers feel that they must protect themselves from the increased likelihood of future potential losses and do so by charging these individuals an inflated premium in hopes to compensate and equalize pay out costs incurred by insuring these consumers.
Every motorist is different and while some may fall into the “preferred” or “standard” market there are those that will be considered riskier to cover for a number of reasons. While it may seem a bit unfair, younger motorists are often charged a hefty amount when obtaining coverage; this is due to the fact that not only do these youths lack experience behind the wheel and a driving record to show that are a responsible motorist, but they are statistically shown to be more involved in traffic accidents than more mature drivers.
Individuals who have a number of traffic violations and accidents may also be considered riskier to insure because carriers believe that if an individual has a tendency to commit violations or be involved in collisions, the trend may continue. If an individual has been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs they will almost automatically find themselves in need of high risk auto insurance and possibly an SR 22. Although, a driver has certain associated risks with insuring them they should not settle for unreasonable premiums and take the time to find an affordable policy.
Car Insurance Tips for High Risk Drivers
Although many motorists with blemishes on their record are usually charged higher rates than those who may have a clean record, the price of auto insurance does not have to be unreasonable. Contrary to what many believe, there are many companies who specialize and even target high risk drivers while there are those who may only be willing to accept “standard” motorists or will charge riskier drivers a very high rate. The best way for a risky driver to locate a company willing to offer affordable policies is to begin comparing the rates of as many insurers as possible; this can be done by contacting various brokers and agents or shopping online. Comparing rates may take a little bit of time, but may also be well worth it if coverage that can be afforded is found.
Once an individual has become considered a higher risk they may be subjected to increased rates, but it does not have to last forever. There are many things that motorists can do to get themselves from under that rock and get the cost of coverage lowered. Most importantly is to practice safe driving; operating an automobile while intoxicated is something that can easily be avoided by making a good judgment call. Under no circumstance should a motorist operate under the influence and by doing so it may only cost them hard earned money in the long run. In addition, those with multiple tickets and accidents will have them disregarded by insurers after a certain number of years (usually between 3 and 5). By obeying traffic laws, these motorists can see their rates decrease over time.
Unfortunately, there are some motorists who may not be able to find coverage on the regular market, but the good news is that many states offer plans to these drivers to help get them insured and avoid driving without coverage. Such programs as the Oklahoma Automobile Insurance Plan provide a way for consumers to get in touch with agents who will be able to insure them.
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