The first step to getting the loan you need is finding a lender. Personal loan lenders work in a variety of locations, offering a multitude of lending products. Even though some lenders specialize in a particular type of loan, they can still offer options outside their area of specialty and expertise to fit your needs. Learn about your lender options before making a decision and evaluate which is best for you.
Financial Institutions
Banks and credit unions are the most well known personal loan lenders in the industry. They operate on both sides of the balance sheet, taking in deposits from customers and lending money to borrowers. Although all lenders must meet government regulations concerning lending practices, large national institutions typically have more policies and procedures in place to govern employee behavior. The person you give your application to is rarely the one who makes the decision about extending credit to you. On the other hand, smaller financial institutions may allow you to walk in, make your case to the loan officer and walk out with a check in hand.
Financial institutions typically specialize in unsecured personal loans, lines of credit, credit cards and auto loans. Depending on your state's laws, your bank may also offer a wide array of home equity lending options.
Payday Loan Companies
Payday loan companies have a more restricted product set than the traditional financial institution. This company's bread and butter is the payday advance loan used to provide borrowers extra cash in between paydays. Some offer car title loans and revolving credit lines, but this varies by business and does not usually offer favorable rates for borrowers with exceptional credit. Conversely, the underwriting guidelines may be somewhat less stringent than those of your bank, making payday loan lenders ideal for individuals with spotty credit histories.
Online Lenders
The only difference between most online personal loan lenders and conventional banks is that you can handle everything from the comfort of your home. While you lose the ability to speak with your loan officer in person, you may gain lower interest rates. Online lenders can do this by keeping their overhead lower than your typical brick and mortar establishment. The only word caution when getting a loan online is to thoroughly research the company before providing any personal information. If you can't determine their legitimacy, use a different lender.
This is not an exhaustive list of personal loan lenders, just a starting place for your research. For more complex lending needs, you may benefit from visiting with your mortgage representative or investment advisor, as these types of businesses offer limited loan options.
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