Whenever you're in the market for a loan, you should always compare personal loans before making a final decision. Depending on the complexity of your personal loan request, there could be dozens of factors to consider. Or it could come down to who offers the best interest rate. Start with some personal loan basics and expand your comparison criteria from there.
Don't compare apples to elephants
Before you compare personal loans, make sure you're looking at comparable options. A loan and line of credit function in very different ways. If you must decide between two such dissimilar options, find a way to level the playing field, then make comparisons.
For example, a personal loan typically offers a fixed monthly payment, while a personal line of credit's payment will fluctuate based on the current interest rate and total amount advanced. For loan comparison purposes, assume you've advanced the full amount of the line of credit at the highest interested rate allowed in the contract. As long as that payment—the highest it can be—is comfortable, you can consider the line of credit to be a viable option. Just don't forget to compare application fees, annual fees and other contract features.
Don't stop comparing at the interest rate
Always read all the terms and conditions when you compare personal loans. The interest rate defines your total cost to borrow the funds, not whether it's the best deal available. Other personal loan features can make it well worth accepting a higher interest rate. These features include:
- The lender reports to the credit bureaus. If one lender doesn't report good payment history then you aren't helping improve your credit score with this personal loan.
- The lender packages products. Borrowing money where you bank is a smart idea if you can take advantage of packaged accounts. For instance, letting your loan balance count towards your total relationship balance with a financial institution can qualify you for a myriad of money-saving options. In particular, find out if your bank offers higher savings account rates, reduced fee stock trades or free checks as a result.
- The lender has convenient payment options. There is a definite benefit to not having to race to the bank monthly to pay your bill. Whether the company offers automatic payment is a good factor to consider when you compare personal loans, but expand your thinking on this one. If you don't like anyone drafting money out of your account, consider the convenience of the bank you pass on the way home each day or that operates a branch in your office building.
It's a sound financial practice to always compare personal loans before you sign on the dotted line to make sure you get the best possible loan for your needs. Make sure to always take into account the usual suspects of payment and rate, then compare any perks available.
Source: http://www.superpages.com/supertips/compare-personal-loans.html
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