When you need money, scheduling an appointment with your local banker is not always a convenient option. Online loans provide convenience brick and mortar banks lack, but come with a new set of concerns. The anonymity of the internet coupled with the sheer volume of online lenders makes cyberspace a breeding ground for financial scams.
Finding an Online Lender
Locating a credible company to process your loan is the first order of business. The kind of loan you desire may focus your search for online loans into a particular area. If not, you can follow a few basic strategies to find a lender and verify their credibility.
- Visit popular banking sites. Most of the national banks and credit unions have online lending departments ready to meet your needs. Look for a link to the company’s online loan application on the site. Major banks may not offer rates as low as smaller competitor sites, but you gain the peace of mind in knowing this company’s reputation and financial stability.
- Search for a physical address. Although they do business online, there must be a physical office where underwriters and loan processors work. Even if you’re working with a broker that outsources most of the operation, he has to physically be somewhere. If you cannot locate an address for a company, move to another lender.
- Check for complaints. This does not have to be a drawn out process. A quick search of the Better Business Bureau or your state’s Attorney General will reveal if the company uses questionable lending practices. If nothing else, enter the company’s name into your favorite search engine to see if disgruntled posts appear.
Working with Online Lenders
With in-person loans, getting information to your lender is a straightforward process because you can drop off anything she requests. With online loans, you must rely upon technology.
- Fax machines. If your lender requires paystubs or tax returns, ask about the safety of the fax machine. Is it in a secure location or unattended in the middle of a large office? Although the majority of company employees wouldn’t do anything with your personal information, only send to fax machines where you know your lender will immediately get your documentation.
- Email documentation. When you have access to a scanner to upload your signed documents to your computer for emailing, always use this option. It’s easier to confirm receipt and there is less risk of interception.
- Mailing documents. Putting your loan documents into the mail is the worst option of the three, but some lenders will insist upon receiving original signed loan documents. Never send your documents through regular mail. Instead, use certified mail or a courier company so you can track delivery.
As long as you take the time to verify the legitimacy of your lender, online loans are a fast and convenient way to get the money you need.
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