Among the most common types of loans is the secured personal loan. This loan can range from the simple to understand auto deal to a complicated borrowing arrangement with your life insurance company. Although every loan and lender works a little different from the rest, there are basic elements and considerations among secured loans.
Collateral Considerations
What sets a secured personal loan apart from unsecured lending options is the collateral requirement. Collateral is merely something you offer to the lender in exchange for the loan, providing an extra level of assurance that you intend to repay your full loan amount as specified in the lending agreement. This is an attractive option to borrowers who need more money than they could otherwise qualify for without collateral.
Using something as collateral is not a decision you should reach without careful thought. In the case of a car you own free and clear, offering it as collateral can drastically change your insurance expense. Once a lender accepts a vehicle as loan security, you often must maintain full coverage insurance on it for the life of the loan. Unless you already use this coverage option instead of carrying liability insurance, you could see additional premiums of hundreds of dollars a year as a result.
When you use stock certificates as collateral, you lose the freedom to trade your investment as freely as you once could. When the market dips, you may even receive a call that a portion of your loan is now immediately due because of the collateral’s decreased value.
Special Factors
Secured personal loan lenders are selective about the kinds of collateral they accept. This adds protection to the lender that they will not end up with a worthless item in the event you default on your loan payments. This also means you must do more research when shopping rates if your collateral is unusual or rare.
For instance, even though high-end sports cars typically hold their value well if you keep up with scheduled maintenance, not every lender will provide a loan using this vehicle as collateral. Those that do may charge higher interest rates because this is a special luxury item. The same holds true for a secured personal loan using rare coins, valuable artwork or jewelry as collateral.
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