If your credit card balances reach astounding heights, wanting a single payment at a lower overall interest rate is a natural desire. Although your bank may not be willing to offer you enough to pay off everything, consider how you can best leverage the small loans you can get. It’s a slower process, but paying off cards snowballs as you knock out your balances, making a bigger dent in the total number.
For example, if your total credit card debt is $25,000 with an average interest rate of 18 percent, taking a bank loan at 10 percent will almost cut your interest payments in half. In this situation, the lender offers a loan of $5,000, well under the amount you need. You have the option of turning this down; however, consider what you can accomplish with this relatively small loan.
You have three main options for the money.
Highest Interest Rate Approach
When your average interest rate is 18 percent, this means you pay rates much higher than that. List out your credit card interest rates and order them from highest to lowest. Starting at the top of the list, pay off as many cards as you can with the $5,000 loan. Yes, you’ll still owe $20,000 in credit card debt in addition to the $5,000 bank loan, but your average interest rate for the money should drop from 18 percent as a result. This means you’re paying more each month towards your principle balances than you were before you started using small loans. Paying less interest is a good thing.
Smallest Balance Approach
Depending on your financial situation, you may find that your $25,000 debt is scattered among 10 credit cards, making unreasonable demands on your monthly bill paying time. List your credit card balances from smallest to largest and see how many cards you pay in full before the $5,000 runs out. You may not save on interest as a result of this method and your overall credit payment amount may not go down, but you will save time by no longer writing as many checks or making as many online payments each month.
Largest Payment Approach
If cutting your monthly payments is your goal, using small loans can help. Determine which credit card has the highest monthly payment and apply the $5,000 loan to it. It doesn’t matter what the interest rate is or if you can pay off the full amount. Just pay it. As long as the payments fluctuate with your balance, the monthly payment will feature a decrease at your next statement.
Before using small loans for debt consolidation, perform your own calculations to make sure you’re using the consolidation approach that works best for you. If a consolidation loan won’t help your financial situation with the lower loan amount, pass.
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